Monday, May 21, 2012

This New Blog

Hello World

I'm starting a new blog - AGAIN! I know, if you were a reader of my old blog I hope you will come on over & read this one.

A lot has changed since I stopped blogging, and for me the most significant thing I have changed is how I handle money. I used to spend every dime I made and run up credit card bills willy nilly. Now I am trying to take hold of my financial life.

I am preparing to be very open on this blog, I'm talking 100%. I will be breaking down my paycheck, my grocery bills, the tips and tricks I am picking up to try & save money.

I see so many blogs about families saving money, but I'm just 1 person. I shop, eat, wash up on a much smaller scale. I know for a fact there are other people out there in my position, living on their own or with a roommate, no kids, no husband, just them & their super small paycheck.

As much as this blog is for others, it's also for me - to help me see where my money goes every month & how I can improve my money management skills.